Sewer & Water
Continuous Water Flow Notices
With the installation of the new water meters in 2021, the City now has the ability to send out notifications about a possible leak. This ultimately helps to notify a user of the continuous water usage and the additional cost associated with it, which also increases the amount the City is required to pay for sanitary sewer use.
The first batch of letters are being sent out in late October 2022.
If you receive one of these letters, please follow the steps on the letter to read your meter and find the possible cause of the continuous water usage. If you don't find an indicator or rate of flow, your continuous use may have stopped.
Water & Sewer Services
Water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer fees in Osseo pay operating, maintenance, and capital costs of these City owned services. These utilities are not operated for profit, and the fees only produce enough money to meet costs.
IMPORTANT: If you recently purchased your home, please contact City Hall to make sure there are no delinquent utility bills for your property. Although the previous owner will receive a final utility bill, utility bills are considered an obligation of the property and the final responsibility for payment lies with the current owner. By checking with City Hall, you may be able to assure yourself that the previous owner has paid his bill. If you have utility questions, please contact Shelly Cisewski by email or by phone at 763-424-6752.
Semi-Annual Hydrant Flushing
Hydrant Flushing is performed in April and October as normal maintenance of the water system to clear water lines of silt, debris, or stagnant water.
You may experience low water pressure, rusty or discolored water. Avoid doing laundry and turn off all water faucets for at least 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, go to the lowest level of your home and run the COLD WATER for 10-15 minutes from a faucet or bathtub without an aerator. When the water runs clear, turn on the cold faucets in the rest of the house and run until water is clear. If the hot water remains discolored, you may need to drain the hot water tank, then run the hot water faucets until clear.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the semi-annual flushing. If the water is still discolored after trying these methods, please call Public Works Department at 763-425-5741.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The City of Osseo purchases its water from the City of Maple Grove. Each year, the water is tested to ensure safety and that all regulations are being met. Click on link 2022 Drinking Water Report to obtain a copy for the City of Osseo. Contact 763-425-5741 to request a paper copy or with questions. The City of Osseo receives its water from the City of Maple Grove, their water report can be found here.
Storm Sewer
Storm sewer utility rates are based on Residential Equivalency Factors (REF). This is part of your quarterly utility bill from the City of Osseo. One REF represents the amount of runoff from a typical single family residential property, and single family properties less than 0.5 acres in size are assigned one REF. Larger single family properties and more intensively developed property, such as commercial or industrial, generate more runoff. These properties are assigned REFs based on the volume of runoff they generate.
Adopt A Storm Drain! 
Volunteer fifteen minutes, twice a month, for cleaner waterways and healthier communities. Storm drains flow directly to local lakes, rivers, and wetlands, acting as a conduit for trash and organic pollutants. Adopt a Drain asks residents to adopt a storm drain in their neighborhood and keep it clear of leaves, trash, and other debris to reduce water pollution. You can sign up online to Adopt a Drain in your neighborhood at
Not ready to commit to a full "adoption"? Residents are also encourage to "foser" any storm drain that looks like it could use extra cleaning.
Keep our natural resources clean with proper lawn care
What does your yard have to do with water pollution? Believe it or not, your lawn care decisions can have a big impact on our local waterways, including Shingle Creek to the south, and the mighty Mississippi River to our west.
Many of us have had to mow our lawns more often during rainy periods in the summer. These heavy rains can also contribute to grass clippings ending up in storm water runoff. Also, grass clippings that are blown into the street eventually enter the street storm drain. Water in the storm drain is NOT treated like sewage and waste water. Instead, it flows directly into our waterways.
When lawn clippings, fertilizers, soil, leaves, or animal wastes are picked up by storm water runoff, they are carried directly to our local streams and lakes. All of these materials contain phosphorus. According to the U.S. EPA, phosphorus is one of the most troublesome pollutants in storm water runoff and is considered the primary cause of water quality problems in our lakes, ponds and streams.
Fertilizer: Good for grass, not for streams or sidewalks
Phosphorous is also found in fertilizer. You should apply only the amount of fertilizer your lawn needs. Not only will you save money by using less fertilizer, you will help protect the environment. A soil test will inform you of the amount of phosphorus in your soil and the appropriate application rate. Fertilizer applied to your streets or sidewalks will get into the nearest lake or stream. Phosphorous "fertilizes" algae just like it does grass, and when too much algae grows in our rivers, lakes and streams, fish and other animals cannot survive.
When you keep your grass clippings on the lawn and not in the street or gutter, you add free fertilizer to your lawn. Leaving your grass clippings on the lawn can reduce your lawn’s annual fertilizer needs, reduce your fertilizer costs and reduce water pollution.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been prepared with the purpose of meeting the requirements of the NPEDS Phase II permit as outlined in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency general permit and in the most recent modification to the Clean Water Act. The document describes the City's 5-year plan to meet each of the six minimum measures described by the permit.
The City has elected to use a poster board and comment period as an opportunit for public comments regarding SWPPP instead of holding a public hearing at a Council meeting (originally scheduled for November 28, 2022). As of December 14, 2022, the City is accepting comments for the 2021 MS4 Program. Here is the link to the memo and the poster board with more information.
Essential Services for Osseo Residents
Essential Services lists names of other utilities that serve residents and businesses in the City of Osseo.