About Osseo

Recycling, Garbage, & Yard Waste

Recycling, Garbage, & Yard Waste


The City of Osseo has a contracted hauler for all single-family residences, Walter's Recycling & Refuse. 


If your carts are placed in an alley, these are the general guidelines received from Walters: 

Alleys running North and South

Trash and Yard Waste carts go on the East side of the alley

Recycling carts go on West side of the alley

Alleys running East and West

Trash and Yard Waste carts go on the South side of the alley

Recycling carts go on North side of the alley

Yard waste Containers:

Walters is not able to use the automated arm on trucks to collect resident owned carts.  However, residents do have the option to use their own cart or to bag the yard waste material in a biodegradable bag and place them out for collection.

Walters suggests using one of our provided carts for yard waste and will provide a yard waste cart to residents at no additional cost.  Walters carts are designed to be more durable and them to use the automated collection arm on the truck to pick up the containers.  If a resident has more material than what will fit in the cart, they still have the option to place material in a biodegradable bag and place it next to their yard waste cart. 

Residents can contact Walters directly at 763-780-8464 or email them at service@waltersrecycling.com to request a free cart.   

More information can be found at: https://waltersrecycling.com/#service



2025 Walter's Recycling Calendar - Osseo & Recycling Guide

If you are an alley resident, recycling containers must be placed on the west side of the alley for collection.  (If you are an alley resident, garbage containers must be placed on the east side of the alley for collection.)

FREE Organics Recycling is as Easy as 1 2 3. You and your household can help our community convert food waste and food-soiled paper into nutrient-rich compost that fortifies lawns, flower beds, backyard, and community gardens, small vegetable and berry farms and rain gardens. To become an organics customer, contact Walter's at 763-780-8464.

Recycling in commercial buildings 
Property owners with any commercial building, including multi-family buildings, in Hennepin County must begin collecting recycling as of January 1, 2016. Hennepin County can help make your business recycling a success. Get funds, bins, signs and onsite assistance at www.hennepin.us/businessrecycling.

Hennepin County also has a recycling program for residents in the county. You can log on to the Hennepin County Recycling website here for more information regarding their programs.  

Paint Recycling - In addition to Hennepin County Recycling, which accepts paint from Hennepin County residents at no charge, follow www.paintcare.org for other locations that accept paint from residents, non-residents and businesses at no charge. Click on each location for their specific requirements.

Garbage and Recycling


Garbage must be kept in containers designed to hold garbage prior to time of collection. Containers are not to be visible from the street except on day of collection.

Place your organics bag ON TOP of your regular trash cart and place at curbside (or alley, if alley pickup). Bins should not be placed onto the street.

Place your recyclables together in your cart at curbside (or alley, if alley pickup). Bins should not be placed onto the street.

Questions on container sizes, billing, and holiday schedule, please call Walter's at 763-780-8464

MONDAYS are garbage & seasonal yard waste collection day. Every other Monday is recycling collection.

If you are an alley resident, garbage containers must be placed on the east side of the alley for collection.

If you are an alley resident, recycling containers must be placed on the west side of the alley for collection.


Yard Waste Disposal

Yard waste collection is from April through November. Yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, weeds, garden wastes, pine cones, acorns, twigs, and prunings less than four inches in diameter. Yard waste does NOT include trees, brush, or branches having a diameter of more than four inches, rocks, concrete, or other similar materials, fruit, ashes, dead animals, sod, lumber, or pond weed. Brush and branch trimmings less than four inches in diameter should be bundled (no more than 4 feet long and 20 inches in overall diameter).

Yard waste can be disposed of in the following ways:

It can be picked up by Walter's on the regular garbage day if properly bagged or bundled. Walter's also offers yard waste carts as requested. Yard waste pick up begins in April and ends in November, weather permitting. If you have questions, or to request a cart, call Walter's at 763-780-8464

Larger yard waste can be brought to the Maple Grove Yard Waste Drop Off Site located on 101st Avenue North, just west of Fernbrook Lane in Maple Grove. Please note: there will be a charge for Osseo residents.

Trees and large brush can be disposed of by calling Elk River landfill at 763-441-2464.

Waste Disposal

For information on recycling, problem materials, household hazardous & non-hazardous wastes, commercial hazardous wastes, call Hennepin County at 612-348-3777 or visit the Hennepin County website.

The Brooklyn Park Drop Off facility is located just south of Osseo at 8100 Jefferson Highway, Brooklyn Park, MN.

Needles & Sharps

Starting March 1, 2016, needles and sharps will be accepted from households for disposal at Hennepin County’s Drop-off Facilities in Brooklyn Park and Bloomington. For proper prep and directions, go to www.hennepin.us/green-disposal-guide/items/needles-sharps.

Choose to Reuse - update from Hennepin County website

Green thinkers, unite! Check out the new Choose to Reuse website www.hennepin.us/choosetoreuse

Keep usable stuff out of the trash and obtain quality items without buying new with the Hennepin County Choose to Reuse website, www.hennepin.us/choosetoreuse. The website is a gathering space for Twin Cities green thinkers that will help you make sustainable choices for everyday living.

Features of the Choose to Reuse website include:

• A listing of more than 600 local places to sell, donate, buy, repair, rent, and share items.
• A Google Maps function to locate reuse resources near your zip code.
• “Spotlight on Reuse” articles that take a deep dive into reuse topics, such as cloth diapering and the negatives of fast fashion.
• Local event highlights to keep you in the loop on area Fix-It Clinics, neighborhood garage sales, classes and more.

Choosing to reuse helps us live sustainably by reducing waste, protecting natural resources, conserving energy, preventing pollution, and saving money. With a click on a computer or smart phone, Hennepin County residents can easily learn more at the Choose to Reuse website: www.hennepin.us/choosetoreuse.