About Osseo



Comprehensive Plan Update

Comp_Plan_Input_Logo_CROPPED.jpgAs part of a major metropolitan region, the City of Osseo is impacted, both positively and negatively, by how the region grows and evolves. Accordingly, the actions taken by the City of Osseo can also have an impact on the efficient growth and development in the region.

The Metropolitan Council is a regional governing agency that is charged by State Law (the Metropolitan Land Planning Act) to establish a broad policy framework for the region (see Thrive MSP 2040 Regional Development Framework at Metropolitan Council website) and to develop plans for key systems, like utilities, parks, trails, and transportation infrastructure, that cross the boundaries of communities in the metropolitan area.

In order to coordinate regional planning efforts from the many jurisdictions in the region, the Land Planning Act spells out processes for local cities to develop, maintain and update Comprehensive Plans--or Comp Plans--which build off of the 2030 Regional Development Framework and system plans. Ultimately, all cities within the seven-county area needed to have their revised plans submitted to the Metropolitan Council by December 31, 2018.

Updating the "Plan"

The City of Osseo updates its Comp Plan every 10 years. The 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update will build on previous plans, including Osseo's 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update which was completed in 2008.

Some of the key components of the Comprehensive Plan Update include:

  • Healthy living principles;
  • New land use categories and future land use map;
  • Redevelopment objectives and initiatives;
  • Housing quality, character, affordability and types;
  • Park and recreation systems;
  • Commercial and economic development;
  • Community infrastructure systems;
  • Surface water management; and
  • Transit systems.

A Steering Committee of residents, business representatives, and students met in 2016 and 2017 to guide the upcoming 10-year update to the city's Comp Plan.

The approved 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update is now available!

To download the 201-page, 20,362 KB pdf of the draft plan, use this link.

Planning Documents

Comprehensive Plan - Planning for Healthy Generations: Osseo 2040

In May 2009, the Osseo City Council approved Planning for Healhty Generations: Osseo 2040. This plan serves as a guide for Osseo's future growth, development, and redevelopment through the year 2040 and outlines the set of goals and policies needed to move the community toward achieving consistency with its future vision. First and foremost, the Comp Plan is intended to provide big picture guidance for the community of Osseo, but it also recognizes Osseo's place in a metropolitan region and aligns with regional development objectives and policies.


Architectural Design Guidelines

The Architectural Design Guidelines provide recommendations for the design of Osseo's commercial buildings. The Planning Commission may reference these guidelines for site/building plan approvals and other zoning applications.

The guidelines have been in place since Spring 2000. A dedicated financial assistance program is no longer offered for implementing the guidelines.

Redevelopment Master Plan

In 2007 the City of Osseo adopted a Redevelopment Master Plan in order guide redevelopment in its key commercial corridors. Click here for more information on the Redevelopment Master Plan.

The land use component of the Redevelopment Master Plan laid the ground work for the Comprehensive Plan Update the City completed in 2008. The 2008 Comp Plan has served the city well for 10 years, and will be updated for 2018.

Maxfield Study

Maxfield Research, along with Hoisington Keogler Group Inc. and Meyer, Mohaddes Associated, Inc., was hired by Hennepin County Department of House, Community Works & Transit to assist the City of Osseo in quantifying its market potential for additional housing and commercial space, identifying potential redevelopment opportunities, and outlining a redevelopment strategy that also maintains Osseo's small town character. 

The Market Potential Analysis includes an analysis of the existing supply and market conditions for housing, retail, and office in the area along with growth trends and demographic characteristics and the impact of these trends on the potential to develop various land uses in the Osseo Study Area. Based on the findings of the Market Potential Analysis and an examination of the existing characteristics in the Study Area (through a Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping analysis and a walking tour of the Study Area), a suggested implementation strategy.plan is recommended that will enable the City to optimize development and redevelopment opportunities over the long-term. We also provide key strategies to implement redevelopment initiatives in the Study Area, along with a key public actions that will enable the City to optimize development.


Planning & Zoning Functions


The Community Management Coordinator reviews development proposals and prepares written reports on comprehensive planning, zoning, and development matters for presentation to the Planning Commission and City Council. Other duties include engineering coordination and enforcement of the zoning ordinance, including sign regulations.

City Hall can be reached by email at or by phone 763-425-2624.