Permits & Licenses
Building Fee Schedule & Permit
You can download the City of Osseo residential Building Fee Schedule and Osseo Building Permit Application.
Fee amounts for commercial projects are developed by our Building Inspector, Metro West Inspections, Inc. and are based on the valuation of the project. ALL commercial permits are subject to review by the Building Inspector. MANY commercial building permits will also require a Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) Determination from the Metropolitan Council (see the linked memo for more information).
The City of Osseo contracts with Metro West Inspection Services for all building, mechanical, and plumbing plan review and pre-and-post inspections. If you have code related questions, please contact Metro West by email or by phone at 763.479.1720.
Separate forms for Electrical Permit and Sign Permit applications are listed further down on this page.
You may download a copy of the Osseo Building Permit Application and a copy of the Building Permit Requirements. Prior to processing, many commercial building permits for construction or remodeling will also require a Sewer Availiabiilty Charge (SAC) Determination from the Metropolitan Council (see the linked memo for more information).
We are happy to process permits by FAX, 763-425-1111, or email documents to, or by mail to City of Osseo, 415 Central Avenue, Osseo, MN 55369. Applications and payments can be dropped into the Payment Drop box in the parking lot. Permits will be returned by email, or by mail if a self-addressed, postage paid envelope is included. Please City Hall at 763-425-2624 if you have any further questions.
We accept credit card payments (a service fee charge applies). Please download the Osseo Credit Card Payment Form to mail with your permit application, but PLEASE DO NOT email the form. However, you may pay over the phone, so please note that with your contact information on the permit application.
Osseo Building Permits
When is a Building Permit Required?
A building permit is required when:
- Building or remodeling a house
- Re-roofing
- Re-siding (also requires an electrical permit)
- Putting up a shed (accessory structure) (Review Garage & Accessory Structure requirements first)
- Installing a fireplace, gas insert, wood stove, or chimney
- Finishing your basement
- Adding a garage or addition
- Replacing windows (Please also submit the Window Supplement Sheet)
- Changing or installing heating or air conditioning (also requires and electrical permit)
- Installing plumbing
- Constructing a retaining wall over four feet in height
- Constructing a swimming pool
- Installing an irrigation system
- Putting up a deck or porch
- Putting up a fence (Review Residential Fence requirements, or contact City Hall for commercial fence requirements)
- Doing electrical work (electrical permits are through the City)
- All commercial work, including a change of use for a commercial structure
- Replacing water softener or water heater
When is a Building Permit Not Required?
A building permit is not required for:
- Movable cases, counters, and partitions not over 5 feet 9 inches high
- Painting, wallpapering, or paneling
- Temporary stage sets and scenery
- Soffit, fascia and trim
- Installing carpeting and other flooring
- Prefabricated above ground swimming pools of a capacity of 5,000 gallons or less
- Redecorating without structural change
- Replacing cabinets in kitchen or elsewhere
Doing the Work Yourself
Detailed plans of what you are proposing to construct are required. If your proposed work does not meet code, if it easier to change it on paper than once you have built it. Never dig on your property without first having Gopher State One Call locate the underground utilities (call 651.454.0002). This is a free service that may save your life.
Residential Improvements
If you are planning improvements to your property and do not want to do the work yourself, here are some suggestions to help you select a contractor:
- Make sure the contractor has a state license for residential construction
- Check references; make sure they are valid
- Check with the Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry to see if any complaints have been registered
- Check to make sure qualifications and expertise match your needs
- Find out how long the contractor has been in business in this area
Getting a Building Permit
Most home improvements require building permits. The purpose of the permit is to ensure that the building project meets certain minimum safety and aesthetic requirements. The fees charged for building permits are used to cover the cost of checking work for compliance with the state and city building codes.
Do not take out the building permit for the contractor. By signing the permit, the contractor is guaranteeing to do the work according to code. If you sign the permit, you are liable for all work corrections if it should fall short of standards. Do make sure that your contractor has a permit, and calls for inspections. An inspection card is issued and should be displayed near the work area. When an inspection is complete, the inspector will sign the card. When the final inspection passes, the inspector's signatures are your assurance that the work has been done properly. You should pay for the work only after it has passed final inspection.
Electrical Permits
Electrical permits are issued by the City of Osseo and do NOT go through the State. As of 11/17/2023, 2023 NEC electrical code will be enforced. Sloth Inspections, Inc. contracts with the City of Osseo for Electrical Inspections.
We are happy to process permits in person, or email documents to, or by mail to City of Osseo, 415 Central Avenue, Osseo, MN 55369, or by FAX, 763-425-1111. Applications and payments can be dropped into the Payment Drop box in the parking lot. Please City Hall at 763-425-2624 if you have any further questions.
Please fill out the Contractors Electrical Permit Application
HOMEOWNERS: NEC 2023 Electrical Inspection Checklist for Homeowners
Homeowners must complete Homeowner Electrical Permit
Schedule electrical inspections at or call Andy Sloth, Monday - Friday 7 - 8:30 a.m. at (763) 421-2360.
Rental Licensing and Inspections Program
All rental properties in the City of Osseo must be licensed and renewed every year. Please see Rental Licensing and Inspections Program for information and fees. To apply to convert a single family, duplex or townhome into a rental property, submit a Rental Housing License Application with payment before offering the property for rent, to allow time for the inspection process to be completed.
Rental inspections are done in accordance with the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). The IPMC is consistent, comprehensive, and uses compatible property maintenance documents meant to be used with the other codes as adopted by the State of Minnesota. Prepared forms, checklists, and Certificates of Compliance are used to provide consistency and uniformity in licensing and inspection of rental properties.
Licensing and Inspection Process:
Rental licenses are renewed annually and the cycle runs from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Rum River consultants will either mail or email renewal applications by February 1 of each year with a 30 day window to renew your license.
Inspections are performed on a biennial cycle with common areas in apartment buildings being inspected annually.
See Section 151 of the Osseo City Code for more details. The purpose of this section is to clarify the expectations of property owners in order to provide safe, structurally sound, and well-maintained rental facilities in the City of Osseo.
Rental Inspections are completed by:
Rum River Consultants
23306 Cree St NW, Suite 103
St. Francis, MN 55070
For information on Landlord and Tenant laws, please visit the Minnesota Attorney General website
For more information, please contact City Hall by email or by phone at 763.425.2624
Right of Way Permit
Right of Way Permits are required for those doing work in or obstructing public Right of Way, including excavations and overhead work along public streets, sidewalks, and boulevards. Contact Nick Waldbillig, Public Works Director, to notify of any planned project or questions at 763-425-5741.
A Boulevard Feature Permit is available for those wishing to make private improvements in the boulevard, including placing landscaping, fences, sandwich board signs, and similar items.
Return Right of Way Permit applications to Nick Waldbillig, Public Works Director, or Osseo City Hall, 415 Central Avenue or fax to 763-425-1111.
Sign Permits
The Osseo Sign Permit Application is available here. Use the same permit for all permanent and temporary signage on private property, including Sandwich Board Signs. (See information on temporary event signs, including garage sale signs, below.)New sign regulations are in effect as of January 1, 2019. A summary of the regulations for each district is available as Appendix C to the Zoning Code. As part of the update to the regulations, illustrated examples of each sign type were prepared for the Planning Commission to review.
Fees are based on sign classification and the size of each sign. Please download the sign permit, fill it out completely, and send to the City of Osseo along with required supporting documentation (picture, drawing or rendering of the sign; dimensions of the new sign and any existing signs; site plan showing lot size and sign location(s); and proof of contract purchase price). The total fee will be determined after Staff review.
Signage for Short-Term Events & Promotions - Ex: Garage Sale Signs, Political Signs, Contractor Signs, & Real Estate Signs
The following types of signs are allowed on private property without a permit:
- Signs that are three square feet in size (or smaller) without any letters or numbers larger than six inches in height; or
- Signs that are six square feet in size (or smaller) without any letters or numbers larger than three inches in height.

Any application for a Boulevard Feature Permit may be denied if the private improvement would or could cause any inconvenience to the public. Factors considered during permit review include, but are not limited to:
- Effect of the private improvement on snow plowing and snow storage;
- Effect of the private improvement on public safety, including traffic visibility and pedestrian safety;
- Effect of the private improvement on public land and public or private utilities; and
- The public necessity and utility of the private improvement and the availability of alternate locations for the private improvement.
Gateway Sign Electronic Readerboard
Gateway Sign Application
The City of Osseo Gateway Sign serves to share information with residents of the City as well as the general public.
The Gateway Sign was constructed with funds from both the Hennepin County Business District Initiative and the Osseo EDA. These funds were provided in anticipation of the sign's positive impact on economic development activity within Osseo. Given the purpose of the Gateway Sign, the City has determined that the following types of messages may be displayed on the Gateway Sign:
- City messages (e.g., meeting information, city-sponsored events, snow emergencies, etc.);
- Business, government agency, and public institution messages if such messages meet the requirements of the Gateway Sign Policy, subject to space availability, application, and approval.
Any organization or event with its principal place of business in Osseo may apply for a message to be displayed on the Gateway Sign. Examples include Osseo businesses, schools, community groups, etc.
The following is a list of messages that are allowed to be displayed on the Gateway Sign. This list is not exhaustive.
- Messages identifying the name and location of businesses, commercial properties, and public institutions within the City;
- Events taking place within the City and open to the public, such as concerts, car shows, etc; and
- Limited-time sales and promotions occurring within the City and open to the public.
- Announcements from governmental agencies or elected or appointed officials serving the residents of Osseo.
Anyone wishing to submit a message to be displayed on the Gateway Sign must fill out an application on a form approved by the City. The deadline to submit an application for display the following Monday is 7:30 a.m the Thursday before. Approved signs will be displayed for approximately seven days per application. The fee is $100 per slide, per week. The City Council may set special fees or waive fees for special conditions or circumstances, including where the applicant or event has performed or will perform a commensurate service to the City. To request reduced or waived fees, contact City staff or submit the Fee Waiver Request form. Submitting the form does not guarantee a waiver; any request to reduce or waive fees must be approved by the City Council.
Gateway Sign Application Form
Gateway Sign Fee Waiver Request
Gateway Sign Policy
Special Event Permit
A Special Event Permit is required if one or more of the following apply to your event:
- 200 or more individuals will be in attendance
- Temporary Alcohol License required
- Admission or fees will be charged or donations requested while using City property
- Special services will be required (road closure, traffic control, security, exclusive use of City property, etc.)
Download a copy of the Special Event Permit.
INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out this form completely, sign it, and include all required attachments. If additional space is needed, attach additional sheets. Submit to the City of Osseo 30 days prior to the date of the event with permit fee.
Contractor Licensing
Osseo does not require Contractor Licensing prior to the permit process.
Liquor & Tobacco Licenses
For questions and forms for liquor and tobacco licenses, please contact City Hall by email or by phone at 763.425.2624.
Dog Identification
All dogs are required to have some identification attached to them. Identification allowed includes microchips, veterinarian-issued rabies tags, or tags or collars with a current address and phone number of the owner inscribed on the tag or collar.
As of January 2016, dog licenses are no longer required by the Osseo Police Department. Up-to-date rabies vaccinations are required.
Please contact Osseo Police Department Office Manager Felicia Wallgren if you have any questions, by email or by phone at 763.424.5444.