My Property Info
To view information about your property, or other properties within the City of Osseo, please visit the Hennepin County Property Information website. From there you can view information about properties located within Hennepin County, and the City of Osseo.
The website is updated daily (Monday - Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (CST). You can search by property address, the 13 digit Property Identification (PID) Number, or you can call the Hennepin County Property Information phone number, 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., at 612.348.3011. You may also email the Hennepin County Property Information office.
The League of Minnesota Cities has created a short video designed to help city residents better understand the local property tax system, called "Special Delivery: City Services and Your Property Taxes." It is a story about a typical Minnesota family that receives a property tax statement, which inspires conversations about city services and the factors that affect property tax rates. The video is approximately seven minutes long. To view the video, click here.