Start/Stop Utility Service
For electric services, please contact Xcel Energy's website or call at 1.800.895.4999.
Natural Gas
For natural gas services, please contact CenterPoint Energy's (Minnegasco) website or call at 612.372.4727.
Please contact CenturyLink (formerly Embarq) at 952.556.5679. Visit the CenturyLink website for more information. CenturyLink also offers high-speed Internet.
Water & Sewer
Water and Sewer Services are billed by the City of Osseo. Meters are electronically read quarterly. (However, the final meter reading before you move must be done by a Public Services employee.) Payments are due about 30 days from when they are mailed. A late penalty of ten percent of the outstanding balance may be assessed if paid after the due date.
Please contact City Accountant Shelly Cisewski by email or by phone at 763.424.6752 if you have any utility billing questions.
New Service
Moving Out
Cable TV

Osseo is served by CCX Media (Northwest Community Television-Cable 12) which provides local programming and public access to cable television for residents in the member cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Corcoran, Golden Valley, Hanover, Maple Grove, Medicine Lake, New Hope, Osseo, Plymouth, Robbinsdale and Rogers. Visit CCX Media for more information.
Cable 12 programming includes daily community news, sports and events programming. Chanel 18 is an electronic program guide which highlights public access programming, Community Television information, local weather information, and the current time and date. Channels 19 and 20 are public access channels. Resident volunteers produce a variety of programming ranging from concerts, sports, talk shows, live call-in programs, educational programs, dance recitals, music, etc.
Questions regarding programming on Northwest Community Television-Cable 12 can be directed to 763.533.8196.
City Government Channel 16 provides information on public meetings and community events as well as broadcasting City Council, Economic Development Authority, and Planning Commission meetings live on Monday evenings. Replays of these meetings are re-broadcast as follows:
Most recent CITY COUNCIL and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY meeting replays are Tuesday at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., and Saturday at 3:00 p.m.
Most recent PLANNING COMMISSION meeting replays are Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., Thursday at 9:00 a.m., and Sunday at 3:00 p.m.
The cable provider for Osseo is Comcast/xfinity (formerly AT&T Broadband) and residents should refer questions and problems regarding their cable service to Comcast customer service at 651-222-3333.