About Osseo



Here is a list of general City of Osseo contacts:

Osseo City Hall
415 Central Avenue
Osseo, MN 55369
Phone: 763.425.2624
Fax: 763.425.1111
Email Utility Billing

Email Accounts Payable
Email Permits
Email Special Assessments
Email City Hall (General Inquiries)

Business hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Osseo Police Department
415 Central Avenue
Osseo, MN 55369
Phone: 763.424.5444
Fax: 763.424.4616
Email Osseo Police Department

Osseo Fire Department
415 Central Avenue
Osseo, MN 55369
Phone: 763.391.3555
Email Osseo Fire Department 

Osseo Public Works Department
800 Broadway Street East
Osseo, MN 55369
Phone: 763.425.5741
Email Osseo Public Works Department 

Osseo City Attorney
Civil Attorney:
Mary Tietjen
Kennedy & Graven
U.S. Bank Plaza
200 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: 612.337.9277
Fax: 612.337.9310
Email City Attorney Tietjen

Prosecution Attorney

Osseo Senior Center
Contact: Ann Schneider
415 Central Avenue
Osseo, MN 55369
Phone: 763.424.7882

Metro West Inspection Services, Inc. (City Inspections) 
PO Box 248
Loretto, MN 55357
Phone: 763.479.1720
Fax: 763.479.3090
Email Metro West Inspection Services, Inc. 

WSB and Associates (City Engineer) 
Contact: Alyson Fauske
Sr. Project Manager
701 Xenia Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Phone: 612-263-1736
Email Alyson Fauske

Osseo School District 279
11200 93rd Avenue North
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Phone: 763.391.7000
Fax: 763.391.7070
Email Osseo School District 279

United States Post Office - Osseo
Postmaster Dennis Stang
125 1st Ave NW
Osseo, MN 55369
Phone: 763.494.0123
Fax: 320.293.2739
Email Postmaster Stang