About Osseo

Animal Control

Animal Control

The Osseo Police Department handles all calls regarding animal complaints in the City of Osseo. Please dial 911 if you have any of the following problems:

- Dog/cat bite reports.
- Non-domesticated animal complaints (ie. raccoons, fox, coyotes, etc).
- Barking dogs creating a nuisance.
- Animal neglect/abuse.
- Vicious dogs or feral cats.


The Osseo Police Department will temporarily not be taking found/in-custody dogs, cats or other domesticated animals due to procedure changes at the Hennepin County Animal Humane Society. Due to those changes, the Osseo Police Department does not have the resources to house the animals until the owner is found or other housing arrangements are made.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Dog Identification

All dogs are required to have some identification attached to them. Identification allowed includes microchips, veterinarian-issued rabies tags, or tags or collars with a current address and phone number of the owner inscribed on the tag or collar.

As of January 2016, dog licenses are no longer required by the Osseo Police Department. Up-to-date rabies vaccinations are required.

Please contact Osseo Police Department Administrative Assistant Felicia Wallgren if you have any questions, by email or by phone at 763.424.5444.
