Regional Parks
Three Rivers Park District
Elm Creek Park Reserve is part of the Three Rivers Park District and located nearby in Maple Grove. Visit their website page.
Established by the State Legislature in 1957, Three Rivers Park District is the only "special park district" in the state of Minnesota. See the extensive guide to parks and trails for your local recreational pleasure. Visit the Three Rivers Park District website for more information.
Minnesota State Parks and Trails

Our vision is to create unforgettable park, trail, and water recreation experiences that inspire people to pass along the love for the outdoors to current and future generations.
In addition to natural resources restoration and management, the division administers grants-in-aid to local units of government who partner with local volunteer clubs to maintain snowmobile, off-highway vehicle, and cross-country ski trails. It is also responsible for Lake Superior Safe Harbors, and stewardship programs for the state's lakes, rivers and trails.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Trails, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155, (888) 646-6367, (651) 296-6157